Sunday, February 18, 2007

Manic Mom's Contest

I came across Manic Mom's blog & saw she's having a contest. The deal is, she's looking for interesting stories and will not blog until she gets 100 comment-entries. So, if you go pay a visit, you are to write about what makes you interesting/ unique/different from all the rest. And, you may even just win a prize...

Go to:

(oh, and will someone please help me out and tell me how to link?! I've tried several times the blogger way with control/shift/a with no luck. uh, i'm a neo-blogger!)

This was my entry:

"I'm a Greek-Filipina Californian now married to an Italian - living on the bay of Napoli.

My birth was announced on television on KABC in Los Angeles on September 17, 1974, saying "we'd like to announce a new member of the KABC news team..."

And, at 5, I was on Romper Room... many strange and interesting personal facts are we allowed here?

Last one...on how I ended up in Italy...

I came to Italy to do a month-long theatre workshop and ended up going to Rome on a visit and realized that I was supposed to move, not in a year, not in a few months, but right then and there which at that time meant NOW. I did just that and never went home with the rest of the group of american actors."

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