What have I been doing, you're asking? Well, I've:
1) Watched all the Sex in the City episodes (season 6) which I've already seen.
2) Re-read "the first trimester" of "What to Expect When You're Expecting"
3) Called my bosses to tell them I have "la febbre" ("the fever" in italiano, which in italia is serious business. But, that could be an entire blog entry in itself for another time - I digress...)
4) Made several lists for Mimmo of things to get/buy/do.
5) Followed up on as much of the pre-wedding #3 planning I can do from afar - researching hotels/motels in Berkeley, compiling the list of names and addresses of our guests, checking in with Hornblower's re:our wedding coordinator, looking at what could pass as a wedding-type dress for a 6-month pregnant woman (motherhood.com I believe is the winner at $39.98 on this one, with maternitybride.com a close, but much more expensive second) Who knew that amongst all the other crazy wedding selections, there's a big maternity wedding dress market, as well?! God bless America.
6) Caught up on all the American gossip I've been missing on dlisted.com
7) Finally read all my e-mails. Even the junk and the spam.
8) Replied to astrology.com's offer of a free 1 card online tarot reading.
9) Ran up our dial-up phone bill with all my internet time (see #5, 6, 7, & 8) which we must hide from Mimmo for the time being. You know, I will pull the pregnant bed-rest card on that one when the bill comes.
10) Watched dvds from our local "keep o' movie" which has near the worst selection in the world, so the pickins' are slim. I forget even everything I watched - oh yes, it's all coming back now like a bad dream... "The Hoax", "The 40-year-old Virgin" (ok, that one at least was good!), "The Sentinel", "Marie & Bruce" (which despite my bedrest, even I couldn't get through. I opted to twiddle my thumbs instead), "Closer" & "Casanova".
Ok, we'll just make it a top 10, there. Insomma, I am not good at bedrest. Not very good at doing nothing, It just doesn't exist in my DNA. But, I did stay glued to the couch - extended and feet elevated through all of this for 3 days. Tomorrow it seems I will see the light of day as we've got a Dr.'s appt. at 2pm. I hope my legs haven't turned to jello and I can make it down the stairs. I'll keep y'all posted.

Oh, I hope you're doing okay and that the bambino is safe! Scary.
I vote for preggers dress #2.
Feel better soon!
Glad to hear you haven't lost your wonderful sense of humor and your expressive writing talents. I'm voting for #1.
Love you,
lvgurl - thanks, tutto o.k. (all is well). just sent you a long-ass catch up email. 'scuse my run-on sentences and inability to self-edit. some things never change :-)
yiayiamia/mammamia - thanks, mom. i know i can always count on you as my sole audience. yes, i think #1, at it's bargain price, might be the winner. although, i'm unsure of the length...i like that about #2...hmmm...have to wait and see until all the votes are in.
astrologyzone.com is way better...you know, when you have time to kill :)
tracie b.,
thanks for the astrology tip! ;-)
but, i missed the most important thing...your opinion on the preggers dresses! :-)
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